Chat Rules
Language: Both Wurm and Discord servers are English-speaking only. Please use private messages for non-English chat. Respect Be respectful. Respect the individual rights, privacy, and dignity of others. No forms of discrimination, bigotry, prejudice, or hate. No harassment of others. Content: No posting, broadcasting, or writing pornographic, sexually suggestive, or otherwise NSFW content on this server outside of the NSFW channel. Drama: Minimize personal drama and arguments on the server. Keep discourse mature and respectful of others and try your best to confine disputes to direct messages and group chats, rather than public channels on this server. Advertising: No advertising other servers on this server without the written consent of an admin. No advertising servers to members of this server on the sole or partial basis that they are members of this server. Impersonation: No impersonating moderators, administrators, or others on the staff team. Accountability: No evading accountability for violating these rules. No helping others evade accountability for violating these rules.
Building Rules
Deeds: Deeds are free to a maximum of 101x101. Please do not deed more than you will use; no buffer zones. Perimeter: Excessive perimeter land claim is prohibited. Keep it at the default of 5, please. Distances: Respect distances and borders. Please do not build too close to anyone without explicit permission; there's plenty of space. Adverse Actions: No adverse actions. (Dirt walls blocking off paths/roads/highways, terraforming to block views/passage, leaving piles of items littered everywhere, etc.) Clean Up: Clean up after yourself.
Gameplay Rules
Corpse Management: Burn, bury, or carry to trash heap what you kill. Corpses cause lag, burning gives you Karma and coin. Hostile Mobs: 42% of mobs are hostile; this includes Uniques and things like Titans, dragons and Avatars. The land can be dangerous. Make friends or find new routes. Alt Accounts: Alts are fine, but please do not use more than 3 accounts total. Client Mods: All client mods are allowed.